UT Austin provides self-care and crisis care resources that we highlight here. Look at the campus resources to determine the resources that best fit your need.
- UT Student 24-Hour Crisis Line (24/7) 512-471-2255
- CMHC Counseling and Mental Health Center 512-471-3515
- Individual walk-in support M-F, 8-5 pm at the SSB on the 5th floor or by phone
- Counselors in Academic Residence (CARE) Counselors
- CMHC Counseling and Outreach Specialists offer drop-in hours for undergrad and graduate students
- CMHC Groups and Classes
- Student Veterans Counseling Services
- Longhorn SHARE project: new peer support program that offers mental health-focused peer support in group and 1:1 settings
- Student Emergency Services in the Office of the Dean of Students
- Behavior Concerns and COVID-19 Advice Line (BCCAL) 512-232-5050
- Student Ombuds: 512-471-3825, SSB G1.404
- Other Resources for our Campus Community