MCAT Resources

Pre-Medical Pathway

Content tested on the MCAT includes the categories for testing: Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems Section; Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems Section; Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior Section; Scientific Inquiry & Reasoning Skills; Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills Section.  

Students are recommended to take the MCAT in the Spring (March/April) of their third year. 

Preparing for the MCAT is an ongoing process. We have compiled resources to help with the preparation process and deciding whether or not to re-test.

MCAT Preparation Resources 


MCAT Registration and Deadlines

Fee Assistance


Quick Tip

You will want to aim for a score of 511+ with at least 126-127 in each of the categories.  Check out the MCAT section of this guide for more information on the MCAT. Please see a Pre-Health Professions Coach if you have further MCAT questions.


Further Readings 

Retaking the MCAT
Requesting Accommodations


Content tested on the MCAT

  • BIO 311C, BIO 311D, BIO 205L or 206L (Biology)
  • BIO 325 (Genetics)
  • CH 301, CH 302, CH 204 (General Chemistry)
  • CH 320M, CH 320N, CH 220C (Organic Chemistry)
  • BCH 369 (Biochemistry)
  • SDS 302 or… Refer to the Approved Statistics Courses List for a complete list
  • PSY301 (Psychology)
  • SOC302 (Sociology)
  • Ethics (Many Ethics courses are offered, check out other courses of interest)
  • RHE 306 (Rhetoric)
  • E316L or E316M or E316N or E316P (Literature)
  • Physics Sequence (Can be fulfilled by the following):
    • PHY317K + PHY 105M and PHY 317L + PHY 105N (meant to cover all MCAT topics) OR
    • PHY302K + PHY 105M and PHY 302L + PHY 105N OR
    • PHY 303K + 105M and PHY 303L + 105N  OR
    • PHY 301 + PHY 101L and PHY 316 + 116L 

What is the MCAT?

The MCAT exam is analysis based; answers will be within the question and you will need to think through the question to get the answer.  The exam is 7hrs and 30 minutes (including completing demographics, etc). Actual test time is 6hrs, 15 min.

Each of the four subsections are scored on a scale of 118-132 with 125 being at the center of the bell curve. The overall scale is 472-528, with 500 at the center of the bell curve. They chose to center the scale at 500, since their national data with the previous exam showed that students at the center succeeded in medical school. The score report will include total score, section scores, percentile ranks, confidence band, and score profile showing strengths and weaknesses.

The MCAT web site is full of very helpful information about preparation and planning for taking the MCAT. The updated Official Guide to the MCAT® Exam can be bought through AAMC’s MCAT site. The guide includes:

  • An official comprehensive overview about the MCAT exam
  • 120 practice questions and solutions (30 questions in each of the four sections of the MCAT exam) written by the developers of the MCAT exam at the AAMC
  • Everything you need to know about the exam sections
  • Tips on how to prepare for the exam
  • Full length practice exams
  • Details on how the exam is scored, information on holistic admissions, and more